Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Love You, Pop!

Howdy, Everybody;

"I love you, Pop!" - my grand-daughter.

If there is a better reason for living, I don't know what it is.

- Pop

9 Guns for Every 10 Americans

Howdy, Friends;

There's an article on here that says that there are 9 guns for every 10 Americans. This means there's not enough guns out there (grin).

Seriously, though - one interesting factoid in this article is that it states "The figures dispel the idea that gun ownership and high levels of violence necessarily go hand in hand"... and "There's no clear relationship between more guns and higher levels of violence."

I already knew this from other sources, but it's nice how these studies keep rolling in. Now, if we could only get the anti-gunners to look at the actual facts! An excellent source of more confirmed information is Gun Facts.

The ability of the general public to effectively defend themselves, on the spot in real time, is the greatest deterrent to violent crime. Taking this ability away from the law-abiding public (by passing anti-gun laws which only affect law-abiding citizens) consistently results in a general rise in violent crime.

Addendum: I do not support the idea that everybody should have a gun. However, I do believe that they should be available to all mentally healthy, law abiding citizens for home self-defense or hunting - and it should be legal to carry open or concealed when suitably trained and licensed. I do think training similar to current CHL program should be required to carry in public, primarily so that the person involved has a good understanding of the law relating to lethal force.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Shortest Prayer

Howdy, Everybody;

My shortest prayer:

"Dear Jesus!"

This said between leaving the saddle of the motorcycle and hitting the ground. Walked away without a scratch. Sometime around 1971. I found this convincing, and got saved shortly thereafter.


My Daily Prayer

Howdy, Folks;

Every day, I pray this prayer, or some variation:

Dear Lord;
Thank you for this new day, Lord. It's beautiful.
Thank you for the love in my life, first for Your amazing love for me, and also for the love You have sent to me by way of my family.
Please forgive me for my sins, and help me to repent of them so that I may live a life more pleasing to you.
Please take care of my family, and bring them home safe at the end of the day. Most especially, R., D., T., J., J. and me. Please also take care of my extended family and friends. Protect them from accident and illness, harm and evil of any sort. Most especially, T.
Strengthen me against the day, and help me to do Thy will above my own, this day, and every day.
According to Thy will, so be it.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

'Nuff said.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Pump Laws

(These will probably be revised frequently.)

Pump Laws

We only have one customer, and you're it! (Snort!)

  • EVERYBODY lies about delivery. Except US. WE just pass on the lies told to us by our suppliers. I've been here more than five years and have seen exactly three pumps arrive on or before the date promised by the manufacturer. You know this - why are you acting surprised?
  • Titanium pump parts are to be quoted with a delivery of ‘Someday- if you're lucky!’.
  • Warranty does NOT cover operator screw-ups or damage caused by lack of maintenance.
  • Warranty also does not cover electric motors that were submerged for three days in a flood.
  • We do not ship certain types of pumps with oil in the bearing housing. The fact that your non-english-speaking field crew can't read the tags that tell you to put oil in the pump before startup is not our fault. Warranty does not cover damage caused by operating the pump without oil in the bearing housing.
Operator / Owner Head Space
  • Turning the motor backwards is a BAD THING!
  • Turning the plunger pump on with the discharge valved shut is a VERY BAD THING! (We have seen parts from the resulting explosion take most of a minute to hit the ground!)
  • The fact that your mission-critical pump is down, and you have not purchased sufficient spare parts for it, is NOT OUR FAULT!
  • And the fact that it will take 14 weeks to get the parts is also NOT OUR FAULT!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mouse for the MacBook Pro

Howdy, Everybody;

If you hearken back to the pages on switching over to Macintosh, you will remember that the biggest single problem I had was this Logitech VX Revolution mouse. I went through some teething problems and a couple of different versions of the Logitech software. The entire time I've been using it (six months?) the biggest problem was that it goes to sleep, and takes as many as 20 to 30 seconds to wake back up.

I finally uninstalled the Logitech software entirely - and installed the $20 SteerMouse drivers instead.

Problem solved. Everything works, hesitation problem solved. I am a happy camper.

Logitech, take note - your hardware is good but your Mac support absolutely sucks!


Thursday, August 9, 2007

About Separation of Church and State

Howdy, Everybody;

I have read the Constitution of the United States and amendments, and it does not say anywhere that religion must be kept separate from government.

What it does say is that the government is not allowed to MANDATE a specific religion as the state religion.

The First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

If I choose to freely exercise my religion in a public school or a courtroom, the First Amendment declares that the laws of the U.S. may not prohibit me from doing so. That's what it says!

Get over it, all you left-wingers.


About the Constitution of the United States

Hi, Everybody;

There seems to be a prevailing opinion in some quarters that the protections of personal rights codified in the Constitution of the United States and amendments applies to everybody, even terrorists who are not US citizens.

I disagree. The Constitution is the foundation of U.S. law and only applies to U.S. citizens.

If foreigners want the protection of the U.S. Constitution, they need to apply for citizenship.


About Illegal Immigration

Howdy, Everybody;

A simple question or three about illegal immigration:

Did each individual illegal immigrant break a U.S. or state law? - Yes, by definition.
What is the law they broke? - They entered the U.S. illegally.
What is the penalty for breaking that law? - Deport them.
That seems simple enough...

Now, for those who wish to stay here:
Is there in place a method by which a person can immigrate to the U.S.? - yes.
Why don't the immigrants use it? - Just guessing here, but maybe because it takes too long? Or maybe, because if they were here legally they'd have to pay taxes (after all, right now they get free schooling, medical care, etc. that I have to pay for)?

Now, for the U.S. and state governments:
Why are we not enforcing our laws?

Just curious...

Monday, August 6, 2007

I've Seen...

Howdy, everybody;

I am 53+ years old, born November 1953; and while that's not just REAL old, I've seen enough that the changes are pretty interesting. To me, anyway. The following list is some of the things I've seen, that I personally remember. They may not be in chronological order. I am not passing judgement on these things, bad and good things are both represented here. This is not a list I got off the internet, and it is not history I looked up in books that happened in the time I've been here - I actually remember these things, either having seen them directly or in the news at the time they happened:

I remember hearing about Sputnik, the very first man-made satellite of the Earth, announced on the radio while riding into town with my Dad in his pickup truck.

I remember seeing (live, I think, on black & white TV) the assassination of President Kennedy. I remember everyone being upset about it.

I remember before Lady Bird Johnson had clover planted in all the roadsides of Texas. And I remember when littering became recognized as a problem.

I watched on TV the launch of John Glenn in Friendship 7.

I remember before and after racial integration in the schools. I remember when our family doctor also treated black people - but they had a separate door into the clinic.

I remember when gifts were only given on birthdays and at Christmas, and it was unusual to get more than a few gifts. Christmas advertising started after Thanksgiving.

In America, you were (and are) free to worship whatever religion you want to. But back then we didn't mind having Christmas and prayer in schools, and it was Christian. Religious freedom was not a big deal, because everybody had it. I didn't go to your mosque, and you didn't come to my Baptist church, but either of us could if you wanted to. And you'd be welcome, at least around here. Everybody was happy with this, as far as I could see.

I remember my family getting air conditioning in a window unit in the living room of our house when I was around 12 years old. Winter heating was a gas stove at one end of the house - the end opposite my bedroom. In mid-winter, it got almost as cold inside as out in my bedroom. I was around 16 years old before I lived anywhere with central air conditioning and heat.

When I was 13 years old, we got our first color TV. Dad had shot the black & white one with his .22, but that's another story. We all looked forward to Bonanza, that being one of the few color shows at the time. We could only get four channels, and that was on a good day. Any three of them were pretty clear.

I remember when an old black man that was a good friend of my Dad passed away. Dad sat in his truck, crying - but he wouldn't go to the funeral. That generation is now gone, and people today don't think like that so much. I have seen progress against prejudice in my lifetime, but it does seem to be slow going, mainly because what a person is taught when young stays with them their whole lives, against all reason.

I remember being on a party line for the telephone. For those of you who have never had this experience, it means that (in our case) six families shared one line. Each family had a different ring. If you picked up the phone, you could hear the other people talking. Eavesdropping was commonplace. Some people would leave the phone off the hook so nobody (six families!) could use the phone until they were through with it. There was a lonely old elderly black lady who would talk for hours at a time. I think I was a teenager before we got a private line, which was one phone shared by our whole family. Nowadays I frequently see children with personal cell phones, as well as internet access.

I watched many other rocket launches on TV, of Mercury, Gemini and Apollo. I remember specifically a Gemini launch that I got to see on TV at school - I think in the fourth grade.

I remember the first international phone call made via satellite. I don't remember who it was from or to, except I think it was our President on our end. But it was on TV, and I got to watch his end of the conversation.

I remember the first time I ever saw anybody with a full beard. It was my very first hippy, walking down Highway 80. This was in my early teens.

I watched Neal Armstrong's first steps on the moon. If I recall, it was about 2:30 AM where we were, and I watched it live with my Dad. I thought maybe someday I'd get to go. But I really wanted to go to Mars. Shucks, I'd go now if they were getting up a group.

Speaking of my Dad (and Mom) I remember when more people smoked than didn't. Thank God that seems to be changing. On the other hand, I didn't become aware of a drug problem until I got into high school, and even then I never saw any.

I remember getting my first .22 rifle (a very nice Browning) when I was 13 years old, and nobody thought anything about it. My dad mostly taught gun safety by example (how not to do things). I shot a hole in the floorboard of the VW the same day I got the gun. Educational!

My first car was a Volkswagon Beetle. It didn't have seat belts. It didn't have air conditioning, either. It did have a good AM radio, but that was about it. My second car (a '65 Mustang) did have a lap belt for the driver only, but it also had no air or FM radio. Nor any sort of tape player. I remember the advent of 8-track, then later cassettes, then much later, CD's and DVD's. I remember how neat it was the first time I rode in a car with cruise control. I remember gas was $0.26 per gallon and I could fill up my Mustang for $5, give or take.

I remember when you could watch TV all evening if you wanted to, without seeing anybody die or cuss. If somebody got shot, there was no blood. I remember when homosexuality did not happen on TV. I was probably in my mid teens before I learned that there was such a thing. I remember when it was rare to see a black person on TV. And back then, many movie actors really were fit to be role models. Today, not so much.

I remember the hostages in Iran. It should be noted that Iran's current President Ahmadinejad has been identified as one of the actual people holding the 66 diplomats hostage. I also remember Carter's screwed up rescue attempt.

I remember foosball, fondly. I wonder if I can still do it. I remember playing Pong on one of the original machines. It wasn't very impressive at the time. I dislocated my shoulder one time playing air-hockey. Other than Pong, the first time I ever played a video game was after I had kids of my own.

I remember medical insurance that wasn't a hassle, and that paid generously. It was before HMO's.

I remember sitting in my VW at school with some friends, listening to the broadcast draft lottery for the Vietnam War, in 1970. This was a draw based on your birthday. I was number 126 and didn't get called up, although it was close. One of my friends got number 6. His birthday was Christmas Day, as I recall.

I watched the very first Space Shuttle launch, and many succeeding flights. I have seen a Shuttle re-entry with my own eyes one night; watched it go by, went in the house and watched it land in Florida ten minutes later, on TV.

I was excited by the first pictures from the surface of Mars. And also all the pictures sent back from Jupiter and Saturn vicinity. And the "Pale Blue Dot" is an absolutely awesome picture, taken of Earth from 3.7 billion miles away.

I remember when the very best photograph of Saturn was a grainy blob on a page. And they actually thought there might possibly be dinosaurs on Venus, and intelligent life on Mars. Now, of course, we have photos taken locally at these places. I remember when there was no map of the far side of the moon, and how breathtaking the picture of earth-rise on the moon was (and still is). You can see it here.

I heard with my own ears, but did not see, the destruction of Space Shuttle Columbia. At the time, I didn't realize what it was I was hearing; I found out a few minutes later when the news bulletins came in.

I remember when there was only one phone company, and all phones had wires! I remember the advent of cell phones. I also remember when a cell phone wasn't anything but a phone. I remember when there were no personal computers. Or calculators. I trained for a year and went to state UIL competition for slide rules, which were obsolete one year later.

The only computer programming class I ever had, as a freshman in college, was on a computer that took input on punched cards. I owned at least three personal computers before there were graphical interfaces. I remember, and used, CP/M, DOS, OS/2, BeOS, Windows, Windows 95, NT, XP and now Vista and Mac OS X. My two CP/M based computers had Z-80A processors at 4.0 Mhz (not Gigahertz), 64K of ram (that's Kilobytes, not Gigabytes) and did not have hard drives. Floppies held 110 kilobytes. The operating system fit in 4 kilobytes.

I owned at least six computers before there was an internet. I remember CompuServe and a 300 bps modem on a Kaypro. I spent ten years of my career making drawings by hand, before there was CAD that could be used on a personal computer. I remember when somebody that knew what they were doing with computers was respected more than a plumber.

I remember before 911 - and how things have changed since then. And I remember exactly where I was when I heard about it.

That's enough for today. Have a nice day!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Pet Peeve - Cell Phones on the Road

Howdy everybody;

Today, I went to the bank at lunch, it being payday and everything. This is normally something that pretty much uses up my lunch break.

In traffic I got behind this person whom I couldn't pass and who was going 20 mph under the limit. Talking on a cell phone. A few minutes later I followed an SUV around a corner, and this wacko split the lanes after he turned, so I couldn't get around him/her. Again, 15 or 20 mph under the limit. When this person finally picked a lane and I could get around them, I saw the driver talking on a cell phone.

Listen, people: slowing down while driving and talking on a cell phone is NOT enough to compensate for your lack of attention to your driving! If you're going to drive, drive; if you're not going to drive, get off the freaking road!

I don't understand how people can be so freaking stupid. First, it's rude. Second, it's annoying to everybody else. And Third, it's dangerous.

If you just MUST talk on the phone, pull over and let the rest of us by! No matter who you are talking to, tell them to hold up while you find a place to park. I know you super-geniuses out there think you can do both, but let me explain it to you - no, you can't. If you are driving a car, and not giving it your full attention, you don't need to be on the road.

If this message has offended you, then you are most likely one of those who would offend me if I encountered you on the road.
