Tuesday, December 11, 2007

And a NON Gun Free Zone Shooting

Howdy, Everybody;

About the church shootings in Colorado:

The media seems to want to emphasize that the lady who stopped the murderer was a 'security guard', the unstated implication being that this was someone like you would see working for a security firm, maybe in uniform, with a gun on the belt. In fact she was a volunteer security guard for her church; in reality, a private citizen with a concealed carry permit; something the media hasn't exactly made clear. Liberal (anti-gun) bias in the media, again.

Good Job, Jeanne Assam!!! You are a hero!

Also please note that the killer was stopped at a location that was NOT a gun free zone. If this had been in a gun free zone, and Jeanne Assam was obeying the law by not carrying, how many more would have died at the hands of the murderer before the police (who can be armed in a gun free zone) arrived? The murderer was carrying two handguns, a rifle, and over 1000 rounds of ammo.

This is the reason for concealed carry. To save lives.

This is the reason that gun free zones are worse than useless. Because the sign on the door won't stop a murderer - it will only stop law-abiding victims from being able to protect themselves efficiently.


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