Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Switching from Windows to Macintosh - Chapter 9

This is a short entry. I have gone back to trying SOHO Notes. It works pretty much the same as Yojimbo for notes, but has one additional ability that I missed in Yojimbo - the ability to nest collections (or folders). Yojimbo has not got the ability to put a folder in a folder, and my projects can at times be pretty complex, so I need this feature.

In trying all this software, in most cases, the software doesn't leave crap littered all over the disk. One notable exception is DevonThink which did not clean up some menus it had installed- after searching the documentation I found out how to do it manually.

Regarding the spontaneous reboot problem - it still hasn't happend again since I switched to a wired mouse. I'd really prefer the Logitech Advantage - it really is a nice mouse, and wireless is good. But I'm sticking with the wired one until the system spontaneously reboots again. Absense of an event doesn't prove a correlation - but the longer you go, the higher the probability that you have found the problem.

Still loving the Mac. It's not perfect, but it's an order of magnitude better than XP. And the interface is more polished than Vista. One of the things I am liking more and more on the Mac is the fact that programs you use all the time - you just leave running. Access is pretty much instantaneous.

Have a nice day!

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