Wednesday, January 16, 2008

History Shock...

Howdy, everybody;

One of my coworkers was just showing me his duck pictures, from his most recent hunt. He's an avid duck hunter. I will never forget the day that he told me he had an electric duck. Yeah, right...

Not knowing anything myself about duck hunting, I had not known that they have decoys that have movable wings, and several other variations. Some of them will even paddle around out on the pond, the better to simulate a live duck. It was really funny at the time, and I gave him a hard time about his electric duck.

Then I had this thought: If you had told me when I was 16 years old that I would spend ten years or so of my career occasionally cleaning mouse balls, until the advent of the laser mouse, I would have said "No Way!". But that's the way it turned out.

So, readers - what temporal anomalies have you noticed in your lives? Feel free to post them here - maybe we'll start a collection.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've got about a million of these, but here's one of the more interesting:

Three things I never thought I'd say, especially prior to my 25th birthday:
"Well, my lawyer says . . . "
"Well, my psychiatrist says . . ."
"Well, my accupuncturist says . . ."